Wednesday, August 17, 2011


there's absolutely no reason for this picture except that it makes me laugh

I have been terribly neglectful to this little blog of mine, my sewing machine, even my blog reader.  I signed into bloglovin today and had over 250 blog posts to read! It's my day off, so I knocked down on that number quite a bit, went to the bank, bought stamps (what?!?--I haven't needed to buy stamps in like 3 years LOL) and have been generally productive.
I'm even pre washing some fabric. I had the grandest of plans to cut and assemble my sorbetto pattern while fabric was washing, the cut it out and make it all this afternoon. Well, I still may, but for some reason I am having the WORST time getting the whole pattern to print out. I had printed the whole thing, I thought. Turns out as I cozied up on the couch with scissors in hand, only half of it had printed. WTF??? Which I guess is just one of those things, because, well I don't know. So, I'm gonna try again, although as I found out this morning the printer in our home office is being terribly ornery. Whatevs.
I haven't completely not made anything though. I just haven't sewn anything as of recent. I finally finished that waffle textured scarf. FAIL, by the way. I only bought one skein of that particular yarn, and downright refused to buy more make the darn scarf long enough, because by about half a foot into the knitting I was about bored to tears. I diligently sat, though, and knit until I literally couldn't knit anymore (not enough yarn). It was long enough to be a cowl, so I bound off and used the long tail to stitch the two ends together. I considered keeping it for myself, but honestly, could not see myself wearing it. So, I pawned it off to one of my bosses from work, who said he'd give it to his grand daughters and they can play dress up with it, or whatever. It makes me feel better that a failed project will at least be enjoyed by some giggly little girls.
ALSO, I am like 95% done on crocheting a completely different scarf, which will end up being a present, I think! (SHH, don't tell). I'll post pictures after the gift giving has occurred so she doesn't see before hand and all my fun is ruined. =).
The house is clean, the laundry is caught up, and I need my printer to cooperate.
Nice talking at ya. ;-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

summertime goodness

some things that have kept me away from my beloved sewing machine...