Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Want It Wednesday! (kind of)-and a life update!

Hi everyone! I can't believe it's already Wednesday again--and that we've already had our Murphy for a whole week. It's been a little crazy here, between the new puppy, almost hubby's new work schedule, and life as usual (which is always a little hectic in general)..I have done absolutely no sewing at all. =(. I did however, gaze longingly at my sewing machine while getting the vacuum yesterday. It was all like "Hi friend, I miss you too!" least I imagine it would say that LOL.
I do have to say that even though it has only been a week since we brought Murphy home, all my watching him like a hawk and attention to him is really paying off (not just mine, almost hubby's too, obv). He is doing really really well with housebreaking, already knows basic commands (sit, come, down, wait, heel) He is very smart, really sweet, and, although exhausting for now, a real pleasure to have.
at the vet..20lbs at 9 weeks

Getting comfortable with the crate, no?
So yeah..
My Want it Wednesday is really simple today..and nothing I can buy.
I want to have some sewing time really soon.

That would be absolutely lovely.

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