Monday, July 4, 2011

Birthday Beaver?

Haha, sorry. It sounds funny to me.  Birthday beaver. Okay.

The other night I crocheted this little guy for my sister's birthday, which was yesterday. (Happy 24th Leebee!) I used the same pattern as I did for this fox. All in all it came together very easily, it took me about 6 and a half hours. As with the fox, I didn't have safety eyes so I just used black yarn. Also, the beaver's teeth were supposed to be out of felt according to the pattern, but I didn't have any with me, so I quickly crocheted some teeth, and to be honest I can't remember how I did it. I seriously just made it up and tried to match the general size and shape of the little pattern piece. I think he's quite cute if I do say so myself =). I named him Dingus by the way, which translated to Dingle to little Billy. HAHA, so Dingus or Dingle, whichever amuses you more.

I think she liked it. I know, a little stuffed animal seems like a silly present for a 24 year old woman, but Leah is pretty fancy, so I know she enjoyed it. Or I can tell myself that at least.
On a side note, my work schedule has changed finally from night shift to day shift. YAY! I'm very thankful.. But, bear with me as I transition my schedule accordingly. Waking up at 4 ish in the morning is new for me for sure. 
Happy Independence Day!


Leah + Heather said...

YAYYY I LOVE MY BEAVERRRR. Though I'm thinking I may rename him? Thank you for the coolest bday gift everrr

Kayla said...

hahha good i'm glad you love him! Of course you can rename him I don't even know where Dingus came from LOL