Monday, February 7, 2011

being productive doesn't always mean interesting.

So I'm pretty sure you guys are all tired of hearing about crocheted hats and Chelsea's quilt by now. BUT I was so productive this weekend even though it was a work weekend for us. Look at the hats I made:

 They all already have people they are going to.. the black ones to Heather and Jen..and the green to my fabulous mother.
 Okay so let me show you the fabric I've been collecting.
Little man requested a quilt from me, so I've been trying to gather "cool" boy looking fabrics. I will not start another quilt project until Chelsea's quilt is done. (apparently I'm a really slow quilter person.. I see some people who bang out entire quilts in 2 days. yeah, not me) But look at this fabric isn't it cute!? My favorite is the robots, least favorites are the licensed character ones on the bottom (Transformers, Batman, and Spiderman). I'm not super happy about including those fabrics because I kind of want it to just be cute-sy boy..but they were by request. Meh, as long as he likes it, it doesn't matter. =).
I also made something else this weekend..but I'm not going to post it until Valentine's Day because I don't want to spoil the surprise.
And, an update about my non smoking... it's the fifth day today, and I'm still going strong. I actually bought nicotine gum to help me, and I haven't needed it, except a little for the first and second days. Plus it makes me feel a little nauseous. So yeah, I'm proud of myself. And I picked out the boots I'm going to buy. haha. I hope my calves fit in them with room to tuck pants or leggings into. If not, I'll return them and get "wide calf" boots. I think that my "wide" calves comes from years of competitive cheerleading. Oh well. But look at these boots.

I love them. Go look at them, Do the 360 degree view. Gahh. Drool. I love the zipper in the back.
Okay, well I hope you all have a great Monday. I'm going to go quilt some more.