Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day everybody! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend, I myself actually had a stomach virus which was absolutely awful. But I woke up today and am feeling almost normal which is great. I'll take it.
Unfortunately, Friday turned into a no sewing day- but for good reason. We, well mostly the boys, re painted the sewing/ guest bedroom. Now it's kind of purple y and I love it. I was on picture duty.

So, yay, today is Valentine's Day! We actually celebrated yesterday because we work tonight and therefore do not have little man, he's with his mom. Even though I was sick as a dog it was still really nice. I gave almost hubby a gift card to Best Buy ( kind of a joke though, because he is so indecisive when it comes to big purchases, and he goes back and forth and back and it's money towards whatever he eventually decides to do haha) and I posted little love notes all over the house.

This particular one is on the mirror in the dining room and says " I love that I am still so in love with you. " 

I also gave him a stitched love note, from Flamingo Toes 's awesome tutorial. It was my absolute first time attempting embroidery, to be honest I don't even know if what I used was a real stitch or not. haha. But I like it, and more importantly, so does he. 

I hope you all have a great day! I will be binding Chelsea's quilt finally now that I'm not getting sick every two seconds. =)


Crysta said...

Oh no! Stomach bugs are horrible. I'm glad it didn't ruin your romantic day. Hope you get better soon!

By the way, the embroidered love note looks really lovely, its such a sweet idea.

Crysta said...

As an aside, I'll do a tutorial on wrapping presents sometime soon. Its not very hard, but I'll need to take a few pictures to show how I did the ribbon.

Kayla said...

Thank you, thankfully I'm feeling almost all the way better. Happy Valentines Day! Thanks for stopping by, and I can't wait to see how you wrap your presents, I definitely need help in that department. =)