Tuesday, March 1, 2011

INTRODUCING: Want It Wednesday!

Hey all, I forgot to say this yesterday, but Happy March! I'm going to be trying something new, I'm introducing a little mini series for this blog: Want It Wednesday! Here I will showcase anything I want.. not necessarily sewing related, but always pretty, or fun, or interesting..hey, who knows, maybe even weird. =). Can we handle this? Of course we can!

Want It Wednesday!

1. Rob Ryan Ceramic vase found at Bodie and Fou
sourceIsn't it just so sweet? I love his work. So sentimental, so beautiful. Sigh.

2.These lacy view wedges from Anthropologie. I don't think I can justify this one. Especially since I just bought these sandals and these shoes very recently. BUT.. aren't they just so pretty?

3. And last but not least, something sewing related....
   A Dress Form =) like this one especially or this one.

Useful and awesome. I should probably sew some clothing before I invest though huh? Good excuse to get my butt in gear for sure. =)

So, that's it for my first Want It Wednesday! post. Let me know what you think..love it or hate it, I'd like to know!


Chie - Vivat Veritas said...

cute list! i want a dress form like that too. mine is not adjustable, so it would be nice to have something that i can change sizes!

Kayla said...

Thank you! I'm so glad you stopped by, I hope you have a wonderful day! =)