Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knit One, Purl Two

I always kind of find that funny. Knit one, purl two.  If ever I was crocheting in front of anyone that's normally what they would say.."Oh, knit one, purl two, eh?" Normally I would just chuckle and continue on. Now though, now I'll be even fancier because I might actually be knitting when someone says it.

Granted, it's not super pretty. And I'm almost positive that the tension is wonky. But, I was home alone yesterday for a few hours and decided to learn. I watched this video on youtube, and went from there. Be warned, the video is SUPER CORNY. But it worked.

I did one little square all knitting, and another all purling. Which, if I understand correctly, both are the garter stitch? And the bottom square I alternated each row between knitting and purling, stockinette stitch? Of course now I'm all on Ravelry looking up all of the patterns I want to knit. Getting so ahead of myself as always. =)

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