Monday, March 28, 2011

My Matryoshka

 Hey everyone, I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was really good, it passed way too quickly as always. Yesterday after Billy's t-ball practice, we stopped by a flea market being held at my old high school. It was towards the end of the day for them, and I think they'd already made a good amount of money for their cause so the prices were phenomenal. We got 7 books, a pair of women's boots, a dress, a child size Adidas jacket, an athletic mesh-y shirt, 3 kids toys, owl nesting dolls, and matryoshka dolls pictures above all for five dollars. And really, they tried to charge us 2 dollars but almost hubby gave them five since it's for a good cause. I talked about wanting matryoshka dolls here, and was thrilled beyond belief that almost hubby found them at this flea market. It's a set of 8 and is SO awesome. I still can't believe he found them.
I love the cheerful colors and how each face has a different expression. This is a perfect example of why I love thrifting. You can find the best stuff. =)


Leah + Heather said...

Whew! I almost bought you a set of 3 for $20 yesterday at Golden Nugget. The damn Russian almost got me! Glad you were able to find some though :) YAY Billup!

Kayla said...

YAY Leah haha get out of my brain! AND I'm glad you didn't spend the money but it was nice of you to think of me! =) LUB YOU

Leah + Heather said...

;) lub you too sissyface