Thursday, March 3, 2011

Super Easy Menu Planner

Hey everybody! SO I literally just made a super easy (and I think cute!) menu planner for our kitchen. It literally took me not even twenty minutes. Now all I need is a thin tip expo marker and I'll be good to go. (I also need to hang it up on the wall but let's not get ahead of ourselves here ;-). )
*Let me mention that this was not my idea--I saw something similar recently out here in blogland but cannot for the life of me remember the source. Sorry! If you know who posted something similar recently or if it was your idea let me know and I will happily give credit where it is deserved!*
Okay, well anyway, yes a menu planner. We need this. We try, but are so disorganized when it comes to meals it's sincerely pathetic. We are obviously better when we have little man but..yeah. We ask each other "what's for dinner?" and both are like deer in headlights.. haha. So this is my attempt to get us..cough motivated to plan meals ahead of time.

See? Cute right? The letters are just glittery chipboard stickers from Michaels, 8.5x11" polka dot textured paper, and same size frame. So easy. Then you just take an expo marker and write the meals for each week. YAY!
Also, for your of Billy after he first got his quilt. Seriously, I did not make him pose. I set the camera to sports mode and just took pictures of him running around like a super hero.

I'm so happy he loves it.


Leah + Heather said...

I love your menu planner :)
I also love the pics of Billy...he's probably not going to leave the house without that quilt!
love youuuu

Kayla said...

sanks! isn't it cute!?!?! hey, i love you and your face..where are you in my life?