Monday, January 3, 2011

My goals for January

I thought I should announce my goals for this month, that way they're not just in my head and I will be accountable somewhere for them =) .

 So here they are: 
1. make something cute for MYSELF using the leftover fleece from the boys scarf I just made.
2. diligently work on the blanket I've been crocheting for my sister for about 6 months now. It probably would have been done already if it weren't for my laziness. I haven't worked on it nearly as much as I should, probably because I somehow turned it into a chore in my head. I need to get away from that and make it fun again. So that is goal 2 1/2. =)

3. to finally stop being scared and make a piece of clothing for myself that I will actually wear. As I announced, this year I'd really like to learn more about sewing and pattern making in general. I really reallllllyy want to make my own clothes. I have been so inspired by so many wonderful sewing blogs, seeing their process and the beautiful garments you all make. I even have 50+ pages in a word document packed full of clothes I"m inspired by or would  like to try to re create. The problem is I have been such a little dummy about it and have so far stuck to making little things for other people. It isn't for lack of fabric, equipment, or otherwise; I'm just being a doofball. SO- I need to get over that and just make something! Even if it's a simple skirt, or refashioning a discarded piece of clothing. I will do it. I will.
4. I would like to make a case to house all of my crochet hooks, yarn needles, scissors for crocheting. I have had these hooks for about a year and have kept them in the plastic package they came in from the store. It works, but isn't very cute or inspiring.

see?? not so cute.

5. last but not least, I want to at least finish piecing the simple quilt top that I started on before the holidays.

I feel like that's a good list, and definitely obtainable. pshh yeah! let's do it.

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